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Cooking Club Committee

Cooking Club Committee

What does the A&F Cooking Club do? 
This committee is serving as the link between committees. Three times per semester, the committee exclusively invites a couple other committees for a date. You as a committee will be the host for the evening. So make sure to make it the best date ever!

What do you learn?
Apart from being the host of the event, you will also have to prepare a three-course dinner. This increases not only your cooking skills, but also your time management and organizational skills. You will host this event three times per semester, usually at Scouting PVG in Tilburg. Being an active member of Asset | Accounting & Finance also gives you the opportunity to get to know many new people, expand your network and develop your soft skills. 

Interested in joining the committee?
If you are interested in becoming active and joining this committee, or if you have any more questions, send an e-mail to

Committee members

Marijn Poortvliet

Ricardo Walrave

Owen Vrinds

Charlotte van der Veeke


Sebastiaan van Rijckevorsel